Арьян Дингсте: «Открытый город»

В Лектории Школы дизайна НИУ ВШЭ — Санкт-Петербург выступит Арьян Дингсте — директор и старший архитектор проектного бюро UNStudio (Нидерланды). В свой лекции Арьян Дингсте расскажет об опыте архитектурного бюро UNStudio, о важности объединения горожан и города на пути к устойчивому и здоровому будущему.

Искусство и культура 12+

UNStudio — a full-service architecture design network in four locations.

UNStudio, founded in 1988 by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, is an international architectural design network with four full-service international offices in Amsterdam, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Frankfurt. We specialise in architecture, interior architecture, product design, urban development and infrastructural projects.

Over 200 staff from 27 countries are spread throughout the network in a streamlined structure that enables us to spend less time organising and more time designing and collaborating with our clients.

Future-proofing the future

As what we design today is normally built in three to five years’ time, we’re used to working with the future in mind. However, the future is changing faster than ever before. Even the most accurate predictions can be made redundant by a sudden advance in technology. To ensure we don’t contribute to a waste of materials and investment that is no longer sustainable or appropriate in today’s world, we develop strategies that not only anticipate the future, but possible changes to that future as well.

We believe that the key to ‘future-proofing the future’ is knowledge. For the last decade, we have focused on expanding our understanding of trends and practice in architecture and beyond. Two dedicated teams research every facet of the built environment inside and outside architecture. Within our network, UNSKnowledge serve as a database for sharing and expanding the experience and skills acquired during our design projects. Externally, UNSFutures collaborates with partners including the Harvard University Graduate School of Design, Microsoft, Hardt Hyperloop, USM and Mitsubishi to investigate how to improve quality of life. The results contribute to our mission of producing user-centric designs that are adaptive, resilient and future-proof, whatever the future may bring.

На фото: UNStudio. Центральный вокзал города Арнема (Нидерланды). Фото: Петер Керс.


1871 день назад
13 ноября 2019 18:00–18:00

Набережная канала Грибоедова, 123
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